Expenditure Exceeding £500

In order to comply with Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requirements, the Council must make available details of any expenditure made over £500.00. All payments are reviewed and approved by either the Full Council, or General Purposes and Finance Committee on a three-weekly cycle.  Members of the public and councillors are welcome to come and view the accounts records should they wish to, however, all payments are also recorded in the minutes of the relevant Committee/Council meetings.  In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act (2014) members of the public are able to view the accounts records of the Council during the annual public inspection period in June/July.  All expenditure reports dating back to April 2016 are available for download by clicking on the relevant link below. If you are looking for information prior to that, please contact the Clerk to the Council on clerk@worplesdon-pc.gov.uk or phone 01483 300094.

Payments Over £500 1st Quarter 2024-2025

Payments Over £500 4th Quarter 2023-2024

Payments Over £500 3rd Quarter 2023-2024

Payments Over 500 2nd Quarter 2023-2024

Payments Over 500 1st Quarter 2023-2024

Payments Over £500 – 4th Quarter 2022-2023

Payments Over £500 – 3rd Quarter 2022-2023

Payments Over £500 – 2nd Quarter 2022-2023

Payments over £500 – 1st Quarter 2022 2023

Payments Over 500 – 4th Quarter – 2021-2022

Payments Over 500 3rd Quarter 2021 2022

Payments Over £500 2nd Quarter 2021 2022

Payments Over £500 1st Quarter 2021 2022

Payments Over £500 4th Quarter 2020 2021

Payments Over £500 3rd Quarter 2020 2021

Payments Over £500 2nd Quarter 2020 2021

Payments Over £500 1st Quarter 2020 2021

 Payments Over £500 4th Quarter 2019 2020

Payments Over £500 3rd Quarter 2019 2020

Payments Over £500 2nd Quarter 2019 2020

Payments Over £500 1st Quarter 2019 2020

Payments Over £500 4th Quarter 2018 2019

Payments Over £500 3rd Quarter 2018 2019

Payments Over £500 2nd Quarter 2018 2019

Payments Over £500 1st Quarter 2018 2019

Payments Over £500 – 2017 2018

Payments Over £500 – 2016 2017