Policies and Procedures

2024-03 – Administration of the Play Areas

2024-04 – Biodiversity Policy

2024-04 – Draft Biodiversity Action Plans v2 22.4.2024

2024-03 – Code of Conduct – adopted 29 October 2020

2024-03 – Complaints – Habitual or Vexatious

2024-03 – Complaints Procedure

2024-03 – Dealings between Parish Council Staff and Members of the Public

2024-03 – Delegated Decisions Made by Officers

2024-03 – Deploying the Speed Data Recorder in the Parish of Worplesdon

2024-03 – Dignity at Work Policy

2024-03 – Disciplinary Procedure

2024-03 – Duties of the Responsible Financial Officer

2024-03 – Emergency-Plan-March 2024 & 2024-03 – Flood Plan – Appendix A

2024-03 – Equality and Diversity policy

2024-03 – Exercise of Pension Discretions Reg 60 of the LGPS Regs 2013

2024-03 – Filming, Audio-Recording, Photographing and reporting of Meetings

2024-03 – Financial Regulations

2024-03 – Financial Reserves Policy

2024-03 – Financial Risk Assessment 2024-2025

2024-03 – Fixed Asset Register

2024-03 – Freedom of Information Policy

2024-03 – FOI publication scheme

2024-03 – GDPR

2024-03 – General Communications Policy

2024-03 – General Information

2024-03 – Grant Aid to Local Organisations – including guidance

2024-03 – Grievance Policy

2024-03 – Health and Safety Policy

2024-03 – Hiring of Parish Open Spaces

2024-03 – Honorary Freedom of Worplesdon

2024-03 – Internal Audit Procedure

2024-03 – Investment Policy

2024-03 – Land Management Plan – Parish Owned Land

2023-03 – Land Management Plan – Village Greens

2024-03 – Leave Policy

2024-03 – Member-Officer Relations Protocol

2024-03 – Pool Car Policy

2024-03 – Press and Media Protocol

2024-03 – Privacy Policy

2024-03 – Retention of Documents

2024-03 – Scheme of Delegation

2024-03 – Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998

2024-03 – Snow Clearance

2024-03 – Social Media Policy

2024-03 – Sponsorship Policy

2024-03 – Standing Orders

2024-03 – Statement of Intent – Community Engagement

2024-03 – Statement of Intent – Training

2024-03 – Terms of Ref planning-GPs

2024-03 – Terms of Reference Staffing Committee

2024-03 – Tree Policy

2024-03 – Work related Stress Policy

2024-03 – Year-end Procedure