News & Newsletters


Laudermus Chamber Choir – Summer Concert – St Alban’s Wood St

2024-06 – June concert flyer – Church


Volunteering opportunities – Surrey Police

Do you have an interest in policing, and are looking for a new way to make a difference within your community? Surrey Police is looking for people from all backgrounds and walks of life to volunteer – giving you the opportunity to learn new skills and get involved within many aspects of policing.

Volunteering roles can include special constables, police support volunteers and cadet leaders – wherever your skills sit, there is a role for you.

Think this could be for you? Find more information and how to apply at:


Recyling… do you know what to recycle?

Did you know, a staggering 298 tonnes of recyclable material had to be rejected for recycling last year? The recyclable material had been contaminated by unrecyclable items that prevented it from being made into something else.

This is a massive issue because rejected loads and contamination of dry mixed recycling is expensive for local councils to sort out – and that extra cost is passed on to councils and the taxpayer. Recycling makes financial sense for councils as it is cheaper than disposing of waste as rubbish and leaves more cash available for other essential services. It also generates less carbon dioxide than rubbish disposal, so it has additional environmental benefits.

It’s widely recognised that recycling can be confusing, though. Putting the wrong thing in the recycling is easily done. The good news is you can follow these five steps to help make it a little easier.

  • Packaging can be misleading. Or you may think to yourself ‘it looks recyclable.’ Check first by using the Surrey Recycles search tool or downloading it as a free app. It also includes information on how to recycle items that aren’t accepted in your household recycling collections such as crisp packets and food and drink cartons.
  • Check what you can recycle separately. In most areas of Surrey, food waste and garden waste, small electricals, batteries and textiles recycling are collected separately – they don’t go in your recycling bin. Use our recycling search tool or free Surrey Recycles app to check how to recycle them.
  • No food or drink residue as moisture and grease will ruin cardboard and paper and make it unrecyclable. Give food and drink packaging a quick rinse by dunking it into soaking pans before placing in your recycling bin.
  • Place all items loose in your recycling bin – nothing inside bags, sacks or bin liners please.
  • Play to bin – try our drag and drop waste sorting game today!

Remember, other small changes like swapping to reusables where possible will really help as you’ll be creating less waste in the first place. Find out more at:


Surrey Police Band Concert in Aid of the Army Benevolent Fund


Transport for the South East wants YOUR views about future transport needs

 Transport for the South East (TfSE), the Sub-national Transport Body for the south east of England, is asking people to take part in their ‘Your Voices’ survey and submit views on the future transport needs of the region.

People are being asked to take part in the online survey where there are questions about transport-related issues such as accessibility and affordability.

Participants can also share their experiences regarding congestion, noise pollution, air quality, road safety, public transport, personal safety, and walking and cycling routes.

The ‘Your Voices’ survey can be found online at until Sunday, 2 June 2024.

A special podcast has been produced that explains in further detail why TfSE needs the views of people across the south east and how those views will help shape the future work of TfSE. The podcast can be listened to online at and is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify by searching for ‘The TfSE Podcast.’

Councillor Keith Glazier, Chair of TfSE, said: “We want to hear the views and experiences of those in the region when it comes to all things transport related. One of our roles is to speak to government about the priorities they should consider when improving transport connectivity locally. To do this effectively, we need to hear from as many people as possible across the south east.”

The south east is defined as Bracknell Forest, Reading, Windsor & Maidenhead, Slough, West Berkshire, Wokingham, Kent, Medway, Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex, and Brighton & Hove.


Second Full Weekend Closure – M25 – Friday 10 May until Monday 13 May 2024


Announcing our second full weekend closure

We can now confirm that the M25 will be shut between junctions 9 (A243 Leatherhead) and 10 (A3 Wisley) from 9pm Friday 10 May to 6am Monday 13 May 2024.

We advise drivers to only travel this stretch if necessary.

This closure involves a different stretch from the closure which took place in March. This time a 19-mile diversion route will be in place which uses the A3 and the A243.

We expect long delays.

Please follow the diversion and do not follow your SatNav. By staying on the diversion route you will not be charged for driving in the Ultra Low Emission Zone. It will also help reduce congestion.

We intend to close the M25 for three more weekends this year. There will be no weekend closures in June but the remaining closures will take place between July and the end of 2024. We will be in a position to announce the date of the next closure as soon as the May closure is over.

This closure is for the installation of a new bridge consisting of 68 beams, each weighing 16 tonnes, and another 4 beams weighing 40 tonnes.

Jonathan Wade, National Highways Senior Project Manager, said:

“This is far from a repeat of the previous closure, as the alternative routes are longer and will be different for over height vehicles and all other traffic.

“Drivers listened to our advice last time which reduced motorway traffic levels by over two thirds and meant delays were limited.

“Our advice again is please only travel if absolutely necessary and make sure you give yourself extra time if you do choose to use the M25.”

The Junction 10 improvement scheme will see an increase in the number of lanes to make journeys safer and new junction layout to improve traffic flow. It will also make it easier and safer to enter and exit the M25, and reduce the pollution caused by traffic jams.

Where can I find out more?

Keep up to date with the project on our website

If you have any questions, please email or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000.


Safety Barrier Replacement Works – Clay Lane – 4 weeks commencing 8 April 2024

2024-04 – Leaflet – Clay Lane Guildford – 6037266


Stella Hancock Driving Group RDA

2024-04 – Find Out About SHGRDA


The Fairlands Practice Patient Participation Group (FPPPG)

The FPPPG is the independent Statutory body of Fairlands’ Medical Practice patients who act as a link between the Practice and its patients. All patients and carers are automatically members.

  • The Group liaises with the Practice providing feedback about the services delivered and engages with patients to gain their perspective.
  • We support the Practice by arranging events to publicise available support, treatment and services as agreed with the Practice.
  • The last event was to bring patients up to date with changes being made by the Practice. On September 25th this year, the Group is planning a Women’s Health event.

Being a member of the FPPPG committee helps one better understand the issues facing both our own surgeries and those of other groups within the NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board. Patients have the opportunity to shape the way the Practice develops and suggest improvements or changes we feel may be desirable to services delivered by the Practice.

On Friday 24 May, the FPPPG is holding a meeting, and all patients are invited. This is an opportunity to learn more about the FPPPG. It will be held at 8 pm in the Fairlands Community Centre Hall, Fairlands Avenue. This will be followed by a Special General Meeting to agree changes to our Constitution. New members to the committee are very welcome, especially from working parents and young people. If you would like to learn more about the FPPPG please contact the Chairman Richard Broughton via email:


Pavement repairs Stringers Avenue

Leaflet – Stringers Ave


Road works – Rickford – 26 February 2024 – Two weeks

Leaflet – Rickford Worplesdon – 6039159


Surrey Police Band – Fund raising concert – Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice

Surrey Police Band Concert poster Stoughton 2024


Salt Box Road (C14) Worplesdon – Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Notice 2024

Surrey County Council
Salt Box Road (C14) Worplesdon
Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Notice 2024

Surrey County Council in Exercise of Its Powers Under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers hereby gives notice that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in that length of Salt Box Road (C14) Worplesdon which extends from its junction with Woking Road (A320) to its junction with Grange Road (D4023).

Diversion route: Salt Box Road (C14), Woking Road (A320), Burdenshott Road (D52), Goose Rye Road (D3680), The Avenue (D53) and Worplesdon Road (A322) or the same route in reverse.

This Notice is required to enable bridge works to be carried out by, or on behalf of Surrey County Council. The Notice will commence on 21 February 2024 for a period of up to 5 nights, however the works are anticipated to be completed within 3 nights between the hours of 8:00pm and 5:00am. Advanced warning signs will be displayed, and the temporary closure will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access for pedestrian and cyclist will be maintained at all times. Access for emergency vehicle and residents will be maintained via either side of the closure.

The prohibition referred to above will not apply: (i) in respect of anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform; (ii) in respect of anything done in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Police; (ii) to any vehicle being used in connection with the works; (iv) to any person carrying out the works.

2024-02 – 2652-RCD-SBR-01 Salt Box Rd

Dated 21 February 2024

Authorising Officer: Richard Bolton

Assistant Director- Highways Operations & Infrastructure

Any Enquiries relating to this notice should be directed to:

Traffic Regulation Orders Team

Surrey County Council- Highways

Hazel House Merrow Lane Guildford Surrey GU4 7BQ

Telephone: 0300 200 1003


Have Your Say On Road Safety In Surrey

Surrey County Council (SCC) Consultation – Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy for Surrey 2024 – 2050
Residents are being asked to give SCC their views on a new road safety plan for #Surrey which aims to eliminate road collisions resulting in death or serious injury by 2050.
Have your say by completing the online questionnaire here:

Public Consultation – Deadline 10 March 2024 – Rights of Way – Surrey County Council

Surrey ROWIP Poster


Road Works – Worplesdon Road – Due to commence 3 January 2024

Please see Surrey County Council’s updated information below regarding the remedial works on Worplesdon Road, Guildford. These works have been rescheduled owing to bad weather.


Road Closed

3 January

2 nights

8.00pm – 6.00am



Please see the attached map for the extents of our works.


The works are scheduled to start on 3 January 2024. Sometimes our plans must change, often due to bad weather or problems on other works in the same programme which can have a knock-on effect. If anything changes with the details of these works, we will let you know.


You and your residents can also find up to date details of the works on


We’d appreciate any feedback from residents on these works, to help us continue to improve.

Please could you highlight to residents the QR code found on the leaflet or the direct web link:



Over the Christmas period and New Year, the Guildford Borough Council offices will be closed:

  • from 4.30pm on Friday 22 December until Thursday 28 December
  • on the Monday 1 January

What to do in an emergency

Where there is a risk to life, for example a flood or fire, residents should call 999 immediately.

Residents and councillors can report an emergency, such as flooding, to the out of hours service on 01344 949371 who will be able to direct the call to the appropriate person.

In the event of an emergency involving a Guildford property, residents or councillors can call:

  • 01483 444222 (during office hours)
  • 01483 532122 (outside office hours)

An emergency is a repair that, if not attended to quickly, could lead to:

  • personal injury
  • damage to the property
  • a health hazard

More emergency information is available on our website

For non-emergency repairs enquiries and requests

If residents have access to the internet and are able, they can report their housing repairs online.

If the emergency is not resolved satisfactorily by the out of hours service, the housing repair team will be on duty at all times. You can contact them on 01483 523 122.

Advice for adverse weather is available on our website including the location of sandbags across the borough.

In case of a flooding emergency please follow the advice below:

  • If you think there is a threat to life, please call 999 and ask for Surrey Fire and Rescue
  • If water is blocking roads or pavements and causing danger call Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1003. If you are calling out of hours, please hold for option 3 (roads and transport) followed by option 2 (highways and traffic signal emergencies).

When you are able to please report flooding to Surrey County Council

Report flooding on line

  1. Call: 0300 200 1003
  2. Email:
  3. Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0300 200 1003
  4. SMS: 07860 053 465
  5. VRS:  Sign Language Video Relay Service

If there is any sign of sewage

Call your water provider What to do during sewer flooding | Thames Water on 0800 316 9800 or My home is flooded with sewer water ( on 0330 303 0368.

If a river has burst its banks

Call the Environment Agency 24-hour Hotline on 0800 80 70 60.

Sandbags are located across the Borough for use in an emergency sandbag locations

If you lose power

Report it via Power Cut 105 by calling 105.

For ease the numbers that you should use for the majority of issues are:

  1. Emergency planning out of hours 01344 949371
  2. Housing repair issues 01483 532122

Dog fouling… an odious issue

Dog fouling is disgraceful and gives all dog owners a bad reputation, despite the majority of dog owners cleaning up after their dogs.

If you are aware of an issue in your community please do report it to Guildford Borough Council via the following link 

The borough council can only act when they are Dog fouling made aware of the issue and specific location.



Normandy Village Shop and Café


Do you know someone in your family or a friend who may be interested in joining the Café Team?

Or maybe you’ve been thinking about it yourself?

We are looking for a CAFÉ MANAGER/SUPERVISOR, a COOK and a BARISTA.

Ideally, we are looking for a full time Café Manager and a part-time Cook and Barista. We will consider all candidates and there is some flexibility regarding hours. Our overall key criteria is TEAM WORK and EXPERIENCE within the roles.

If you would like to know more, please contact or call 07866 427 537


Worplesdon Parish Churches – Eco Church Award

The churches of St Mary’s and St Alban’s in Worplesdon are celebrating after each gained a Bronze Eco Church award. The church community used some new ideas, alongside some well-established ones, to reach their goal for environmental sustainability.

Revd Alex Russell, Rector for Worplesdon Parish said, “We’ve made the Eco Church initiative part of our plans to develop the church in our parish, using it to develop our commitment to good stewardship of God’s creation.  One thing we’ve found is that people who don’t normally come to church are interested and encouraged that we care about the environment as much as they do.”

Robert Lynch is the eco-team lead at the church and explained that when they first began their Eco Church journey, the team was surprised how many of the requirements they were already doing.

It was quite easy to tick off some things, particularly in the worship section, as there were readings and prayers we regularly used to talk about our care for creation” said Robert, adding that “In other areas we looked to involve all our followers. By involving both church-goers and the wider community in our eco-church work we hope to send a clear message that the church is serious about caring for the environment.

St Mary’s and St Alban’s quick wins for the bronze award included:

  • Sharing information and tips on energy-saving
  • Including environmental issues in the church notices and in the weekly Parish Update email
  • Using recycled toilet roll and environmentally friendly cleaning products
  • Encouraging everyone who follows us to take a carbon footprint survey on the WWF website (why not have a go yourself?)

They also focussed attention on the church grounds where a bird box has been set up and planting has been chosen to encourage pollinators.

St Mary’s and St Alban’s are now determined to keep going and are already thinking about achieving a Silver Eco Church award.

Eco Church is a project run by A Rocha UK in partnership with Churches and Christian charities in Britain.



Armistice Day 2023 – 11 November 2023


Each year we gather in Worplesdon to remember the dead, the lost, and the
injured from amongst the armed forces and of course those from amongst
the civilian population.

This year we note the hostilities in Israel and Gaza, the ongoing conflict in
Ukraine, the 80th anniversaries of both Stalingrad and the Dambusters Raid,
the 70th anniversary of the armistice ending fighting in the Korean War, as
well as the 60th anniversary of the last National Service serviceman being

In a railway carriage in France, the armistice was enacted on this day 105
years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, with hope in
the hearts of the combatants and their peoples


They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning.
We will remember them.
ALL: We will remember them.

“For the Fallen” Robert Laurence Binyon


We will remember them!





Young Musician of the Year Competition 2024

Worplesdon Young Musician Poster 2024


Thursday 2 November 2023 – Information from UK Power Networks

UK Power Network preparations for Storm Ciarán, which will come to the UK on Thursday 2nd November.


As you may be aware, UK Power Networks manages the local power lines and substations which distribute electricity to over 8.5m homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.


Storm Ciarán will bring with it strong winds and rain, and an amber alert has been issued by the Met Office.


Our electricity network is built to be resilient but strong winds and heavy rain can bring down branches and trees, damaging overhead power lines. Where this happens we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.


We have organised for additional staff in our contact centre and more engineers on the ground, particularly for Storm Ciarán, to be available to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather.


Both you and your constituents will be able to find regular updates and information about individual power cuts on our website . We will also be posting general updates on @UKPowerNetworks .


Anyone experiencing a power cut should:

  • Visit to view our live power cut map, with details of individual power cuts or to report a power cut
  • Call 105 free of charge to report damage to the network or speak with our customer service team
  • Tweet @UKPowerNetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates


We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.


We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with people of pensionable age, those with a health condition, have children under five living with them, or someone in the household who uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity, as well as those who may be in vulnerable circumstances during a power cut, can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: .


If you would like to share information with your residents about preparing for the storm or registering for the Priority Service Register, you might like to share the following on Twitter or to your local Facebook pages:


As a result of #StormCiarán, heavy rain and high winds are due to arrive on Thurs 2 November. @UKPowerNetworks has extra field engineers and call centre staff on hand to support any customers affected. Visit or call 105 for any issues regarding your electricity supply #ukpnnews


Guildford Borough Council – Notice of Polling Districts and polling Places Review 2023

Notice of Polling Districts and polling Places Review 2023 – Notice for boards 2023


Road closure – Gravetts Lane – 6 November 2023

LEAFLET – Gravetts Lane, Guildford – 1090828


Worplesdon Play Area – Survey October 2023

Click on the following link to access the form directly.

2023-10 Worplesdon Play Area Consultation Replacement New Equipment Poster



Maypole Dancing – MacMillan Cake Sale – Wood Street Village Green

Maypole Dancing – MacMillan Cake Sale – 30 September 2023


Road works – Aldershot Road – 2 October 2023 for four weeks

Leaflet – Aldershot Road Guildford – 540339


Surrey Police Band – Proms Concert 2023

Surrey_police_band_template_A4 – Proms 2023


Dogs Trust – Freedom Project – Supporting people fleeing domestic violence

The Dogs Trust is are urgently looking to recruit new foster carers, people who are able to welcome a dog into their homes on a temporary basis and in turn support a family to get to safety.  All the costs are covered by the Dogs Trust and full support is provided throughout the placement so it’s a great alternative for someone who would love a dog in their lives but isn’t able to own their own dog.

If you are interested in this worthwhile project, click on the links below for further details.





Royal Surrey County Hospital – Open Day 23 September 2023

2023-09 – Community Day Poster RSCH


Bus shelter – Jacobs Well Road (Near Queenhythe Road)

For safety reasons the bus shelter in Jacobs Well Road (near Queenhythe Road) has had to be temporarily closed as one of the rear legs of the bus shelter is subsiding into the adjacent drainage chamber.

Surrey County Council has been informed and are liaising with the contractors that installed the bus shelter in 2015.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused


Planters – Fairlands Ave

On 17th August 2023 Worplesdon Parish Council tidied the planters in Fairlands Ave, which had become an eye-sore.

The Clerk and Finance Officer, assisted by Cllr Brigitte Ahier, weeded the planters, added compost and tree bark, and finally treated the railway sleepers with forest green wood preservative.

The total cost of materials came to just over £100.

In future, Worplesdon Parish Council intends to maintain the planters, although the trees will remain the responsibility of Surrey County Council.



Cynthia Slaymaker – Commemorative Plaque

On 15 August 2023 a memorial plaque to Cynthia Slaymaker was unveiled by her nephew, Huw.

Cynthia had dedicated her life to helping others.  Her positive attitude to life, even when she became unwell, was inspirational to all who knew her.

Happy to roll up her sleeves and help out wherever possible, Cynthia helped out at numerous events across the Parish when her husband, Derek, was a parish councillor.

Thoughtful and kind, Cynthia was always ready to bake for every occasion.  Her zest for life, community spirit and generosity will be sadly missed.

Residents are welcome to sit and enjoy the Slaymaker’s memorial bench, which is located at the bottom of Harry’s Meadow.  What3Word location ///


Walking Football – Jacobs Well Recreation Ground

A new Walking Football group has recently ‘kicked off’ in Jacobs Well.  Details of the group can be found on the Jacobs Well Knowledge and Banter Facebook page.

Alerted to the poor condition of the Recreation Ground by the organiser of the walking football group, Parish Council staff and councillors spread three tonnes of surface dressing onto the playing surface.  The total cost of which came to £287.50 & VAT.

We hope the walking football group goes from strength to strength!



Wetpour repairs – Worplesdon Play Area

Wetpour repairs have been carried out at the Worplesdon Memorial Play Area.  Preparatory work was undertaken by Council Staff and Councillors with help from James.





Heritage Open Weekend 2023

HOD23 Poster A0 Final


Surrey Connect – New bus service to replace the no. 17 Fairlands/Wood Street Village

Disclaimer:  The website links will be in use nearer to the start of the new service.

Surrey connect poster – Guildford.PRINT

Surrey Connect A4 leaflet – West Guildford.3



Sime Gallery – Annual Lecture – 19 November 2023 – 3pm

Sime’s Annual Lecture Flyer (2)(1)


Fairlands Fashion Show – Friday 11 September 2023

Fashion poster Monday 11 September 2023


Improving Walking and Cycling Routes in Surrey

What walking and cycling improvements would you like to see near you?

Surrey County Council is developing Local Cycling and Walking infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) across the county to help determine where best to prioritise improvements, helping more people to walk and cycle more often.

You can use the interactive map via the link below to ‘pin’ a location and leave your comments on how you think walking or cycling could be made easier there.  You can also view suggestions from other people and show your support. Join the Local Conversation – Surrey LCWIP – Commonplace

As well as feedback received via the interactive map SCC will also be considering suggestions that have been received through previous active travel consultations, including the COVID-19 active travel suggestions map.

They are currently collecting comments on the local issues or barriers in Guildford Borough which make it difficult to walk or cycle to nearby destinations, and your suggestions on how you would like to see these improved.

If you live or often visit Guildford Borough and you have ideas to share, please add your comments to the interactive map by Friday 4th August 2023


Fairwood Helpers A Good Neighbour Group

Fairwood Helpers is a voluntary car group for people in the local area to use for medical appointments of any kind, be it chiropody, opticians, dentist, doctors or hospital appointments. That is the core of our work but we also give help if we can for other tasks, shopping for housebound, fetching prescriptions or to take people to visit relatives in hospital for example. People using our service give a contribution to cover running costs of the car, based on 45 pence a mile as set by national guidelines.

We kept open during Lockdown but of course we were not giving people lifts anywhere. However we were needed to get shopping and deliver prescriptions and phone people who were living on their own.

Anyone needing help can call our number 01483 237619 on a weekday between 10am and 12 noon when someone is manning the phone. However a call can be made at any time out of these hours and a voice mail will be sent to the next person on duty who will deal with the request. In that case please leave your name and telephone number so that we can call you back.

This is our 25th year of operation and during this time we have completed over 12000 “jobs” and we hope this will continue long into the future.

Sue Harris


Surrey Police Band – Concert on behalf of the Army Benelovent Fund – Sunday 18 June 7pm

2023-04 – ABF Concert Godalming


Surrey Police Band – Coronation Concert – Sunday 21 May 2023 – 7pm

2023-05 Surrey_police_band_Coronation_poster


Final – Worplesdon Young Musician of the Year Competition 2023


2023-04 – Press release for 25th March FINAL


Guildford – a guide for the elderly

The Live in Care Company has provided a comprehensive guide to the services available for elderly in Guildford.

For further details click on the link below.

Guildford for the elderly – A guide | The Live in Care Company



M25/A3 Wisley Interchange Improvements – Update

Planned M25 closures and central reservation work on the A3

We’ve finished putting in narrow lanes and a reduced speed limit on the A3 around the Wisley interchange and will be starting some work in the central reservation. We need to remove the lighting columns and metal barriers within our safe working area so we have enough space to carry out our improvements.

Overnight closures on the M25 start next week – Tuesday 7 February

We also need to install narrow lanes and put in a reduced speed limit on the M25 underneath the junction and will need to close the motorway overnight in both directions at different times between junction 9 (Leatherhead) and 11 (Chertsey).

For the latest closure and diversion information visit


Pavement Slurry Works – Gravetts Lane

2023-01 – Pavement Slurry works on Gravetts Lane


Surrey Police Band Concert in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell

2023-01 – Surrey Police Band Concert poster 2023


Worplesdon Young Musician of the Year Competition

2022-11 – Worplesdon Young Musician Poster 2023 Nov 1st


Festive Animal Fun Day – Merrist Wood College – 26 November 2022 – 12 noon – 4pm

COM_0141_MW Events Festive Animal Fun Day A5 flyer – Sep 2022_V1


Surrey Police Band – A Night at the Proms – Saturday 24 September 2022

2022-08 – Surrey_police_band_template_A4 – Proms 2022 1


Big Band Night at Great Barn Wanborough – Saturday 3 September 2022

2022-08 – Big Band Night poster (002)


Guildford Borough Council – Parking Review – Broadacres

Guildford Borough Council is consulting about proposals to introduce yellow lines in Broad Street

2022-08 – Proposed yellow lines – Broad Street

Giving feedback

Guildford Borough Council has now made it easier for residents to provide feedback on their parking proposals.  If you wish to comment please complete their Parking Consultation Smart Survey.

Complete one survey per proposal. The deadline for feedback is Friday 9th September.

You can also send your feedback by letter to:

Lisa Haydey, Guildford Borough Council, Parking Office, Laundry Road, Guildford, GU1 4PX

Or by email to:



North Street Regeneration – Public exhibitions


North Street Regeneration: Visit our exhibition

I hope you were able to attend our public webinar regarding the regeneration of North Street. If not, you will soon be able to view a recording of the session on our website.

We’re also writing to let you know that we’re hosting an exhibition about the project during August, at Dominion House, Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4PU.

There will be drop-in sessions for people to pop in, when St Edward will be joined by architects JTP and other project consultants. Registration isn’t necessary, people can come along and meet the team, look at the plans and ask questions:

Saturday 6th August 10am-2pm

Wednesday 10th August 5pm-8pm

Wednesday 17th August 5pm-8pm

Alternatively, the St Edward team will be available at Dominion House for one-to-one appointments and closed meetings if you’d like to arrange this. Appointments are available 9am-5pm on weekdays, with Saturday appointments available 10am-2pm on 13th and 20th August.

St Edward’s vision for North Street is to bring this underutilised, brownfield town centre site back to life by delivering new spaces to eat, shop, visit, live, meet and play, in high quality buildings and surrounded by beautiful public spaces.

The Friary Quarter will have a varied architectural approach and its own character, whilst respecting the heritage of its surroundings. It will be a contemporary new neighbourhood for Guildford and a new chapter in the town’s rich history.

This development will set a new benchmark for sustainability with gas-free energy, all electric charging car park, planting over 120 new trees, 10% improvement in air quality, 72% reduction in CO2 emissions and a 201% net biodiversity gain.

We have committed to delivering a striking new bus interchange and the pedestrianisation of North Street, creating a safer, more welcoming, environment for shoppers, residents, and visitors.

You can continue to visit for information regarding the project. It is being updated throughout August with new information.

Please email Lisa Flounders at if you’d like to book a meeting

With best wishes

The St Edward team


Kids Multi Skills Summer Camp – 25 July until 12 August 9am until 4pm

Kids Summer Camp Flyer – Made with PosterMyWall (002)


Anti-social Behaviour Wood Street Village Green

Over recent months, there have been further instances of vehicles causing damage to Wood Street Village Green.  The vehicles appear to enter the Green where there is a low kerb.

Worplesdon Parish Council leases Wood Street Village Green from Surrey County Council on a long lease (until May 2073).

The Parish Council has been asked by some local residents to install physical restrictions to prevent further damage to the Green.

Before any decisions are taken Worplesdon Parish Council seeks to find out your views on the matter and the suggested measures to minimise further anti-social behaviour.

The possible actions would be:

  1. Leave the Green as it is.
  2. Install a line of wooden posts to the western edge (White Hart Lane side) of the Green, plus security gates or drop-down bollards for access during events, as well as to facilitate maintenance of the Green, trees, maypole, and village sign (Surrey County Council has consented to this proposal, which does not require the consent of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (s38 Commons Act 2006)).
  3. Wooden posts to the entire perimeter of the Green plus security gates or drop-down bollards. This would require the consent of both the Secretary of State (s38 Commons Act 2006) as well as Surrey County Council
  4. The installation of a bund (grass bank) plus security gates or drop-down bollards. This would require the consent of both the Secretary of State (s38 Commons Act 2006) and Surrey County Council.

To that end, the Parish Council will be facilitating a public meeting on the Green on 20 June 2022 at 7.15pm.

Worplesdon Parish Council looks forward to seeing you at the meeting. If you are unable to attend, or have an alternative suggestion, please make your views known to the Parish Council by sending an email or comment to or to your parish councillor.

Alternatively, please complete the slip below and return it to the Parish Council by email or to Unit 2 Saxton, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9JX by midnight on 20 June 2022.


VOTING SLIP – Wood Street Village Green

I/we support the following option – please tick the appropriate box.

☐Take no further action – leaving the Green as it is.

☐Install posts and drop-down bollards along the western edge of the Green (side closest to White Hart Lane).

☐Install a combination of posts and security gates or drop-down bollards around the entire perimeter of the Green.

☐Construct a bund with pedestrian access points and security gates or drop-down bollards around the entire perimeter of the Green.

Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Signed:  …………………………………

Address:  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Data Protection:

Any personal information given via this consultation will only be used to enable the Parish Council to assess its services, or to contact you about issues you’ve highlighted that you would like to be contacted about specifically and will not be disclosed to any other third party without your prior permission or unless we are required to do so by law.  This information will be securely retained, in conjunction with our retention policy except for hardcopies which will be securely destroyed after 12 months.



Worplesdon View Care Home – Classic Car Display

WVCH – Classic Car Poster


Worplesdon View Care Home – Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

2202-05 – Queens Platinum Jubilee Poster


Fund raising event – Mayor of Guildford in Aid of Challengers – 24.6.2022 – 19:30

We are delighted to invite you to join us for a fabulous evening of live music and entertainment with renowned singer and entertainer Jonathan Veira, hosted in partnership with the Mayor of Guildford in aid of Challengers. Join us on Friday 24th June from 7.30pm at St. Saviour’s Church, Guildford for an evening of world-class music and entertaining anecdotes.

About Jonathan

Jonathan Veira is an award-winning singer, having performed internationally at some of the world’s most iconic music venues, including the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal Opera House.

These days it’s rare to find someone who can not only sing beautifully, but who can also entertain and make people of all ages laugh. Jonathan has earnt a reputation for this talent throughout his career, and even continued to stream a weekly concert of music and laughter from his front room in Guildford to thousands around the world during lockdown – winning a BBC award in the process!

A musical chameleon, Jonathan sings songs from a range of musical genres , and his engaging, conversational style, combined with hilarious stories is thoroughly enjoyable for everyone. It’s an event not to be missed!

The concert

On the evening of the concert, Jonathan will be performing some of our most-loved classical and popular songs, including Bring Him Home, You Raise Me Up and Summertime. If you would like to have a sneak peek of what to expect before the performance, check out Jonathan’s YouTube channel!

This concert promises one of the most enjoyable evenings you will ever experience as we sit back and enjoy Jonathan’s unique style and amazing voice amid a whole range of musical genres and fun.

We are delighted that Challengers has been selected by the Mayor of Guildford as his charity for the municipal year 2022-23, and this event is hosted in partnership with the Mayoral office – one of many fundraising events throughout the year that Challengers will benefit from. We would also like to extend special thanks to Jonathan Veira for performing in aid of Challengers.

If you have any questions about the event, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team at

We look forward to seeing you there!


Anne Robson Helpline

Introducing the Anne Robson Helpline – if you or someone close to you is dying, you can talk to us.

At the Anne Robson Trust we aim to be there to listen to anyone who faces dying or the imminent death of someone they care about.  We know that facing the end of life can leave you feeling isolated and alone.

Being able to access support is so important. Gaining knowledge of what may happen towards the end of life and being prepared helps both the person dying and their loved ones to feel a sense of control.

Calls are free and confidential. Call us on 0808 801 0688 – we have time to talk

Please visit to find out more.


Surrey County Council – Community Helpline Team

Surrey's Community Helpline

The new Community Helpline team are ready to take your calls to help point you in the right direction for Financial and Welfare support in Surrey. 0300 200 1008 or visit the online hub #NoOneLeftBehind.

Meet head of customer service Sue Grizzelle and council Leader Tim Oliver who tell us what the team can help you with.

Posted by Surrey County Council on Monday, 25 April 2022


Over 20,000 people fell victim to remote access scams

More than £50 million was lost last year to scams where victims are tricked into handing over control of their computer or smartphone to criminals.

New data from Action Fraud, the national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime, reveals that 20,144 people fell victim to scams where they were persuaded to grant criminals remote access to their device.
Victims reported losing a total of £57,790,384 – an average loss of £2,868 per victim.

What are remote access scams
Remote Access scams will often begin with a browser pop-up saying that your computer is infected with a virus, or maybe a call from someone claiming to be from your bank saying that they need to connect to your computer in order to cancel a fraudulent transaction on your account. Regardless of the narrative the fraudster’s use, their goal is to steal your money or access your financial information by tricking you into allowing them to remotely connect to your computer.

Detective Chief Inspector Craig Mullish, from the City of London Police, said:
“While remote access tools are safe when used legitimately, we want the public to be aware that they can be misused by criminals to perpetrate fraud. We often see criminals posing as legitimate businesses in order to trick people into handing over control of their computer or smartphone.
“You should only install software or grant remote access to your computer if you’re asked by someone you know and trust, such as a friend or family member, and never as a result of an unsolicited call, browser pop-up or text message.”

How to protect yourself

• Only install software or grant remote access to your computer if you’re asked by someone you know and trust, such as a friend or family member, and never as a result of an unsolicited call, browser pop up, or text message.
• Remember, a bank or service provider will never contact you out of the blue requesting remote access to your device.
• If you believe your laptop, PC, tablet or phone has been infected with a virus or some other type of malware, follow the NCSC’s guidance on recovering an infected device.
• Protect your money by contacting your bank immediately on a different device from the one the scammer contacted you on.
• Report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via If you are in Scotland, please report to Police Scotland directly by calling 101.

Message Sent By
Action Fraud
(Action Fraud, Administrator, National)


Surrey Police Band presents A Platinum Jubilee Concert

Surrey Police Band presents A Platinum Jubilee Concert

Sunday 22nd May 7pm
Normandy Village Hall, Guildford GU3 2DD

Join us for an evening of music to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II.  In aid of the Chief Constable’s Charity, Woking Mind.

Tickets: £8.00 adults, £5.00 under 16s, free under 5s

 Tickets available through, or call the Box Office on 07849 675 627

2022 Platinum Jubilee Poster


Road works – Clay Lane

Leaflet Clay Lane, Guildford


Road Works – Broad Street

Broad Street, Guildford