
Accessibility Statement for Worplesdon Parish Council

This website is run by Worplesdon Parish Council.  We are committed to making this website easy to use and accessible for everyone.  To assist people with disabilities, we have added an Accessibility Widget to our website, click the Accessibility Widget (icon) on the top right of the homepage or use the shortcut (Ctrl + U).

Contact us if you have trouble using our website – your feedback will help us to improve the site.

How accessible is this website?

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible and these include:

  • most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software

We have reviewed the website and believe that it complies with the accessibility regulations.

We will continue to work to ensure that all of our website functions work well when used with access devices such as screen readers, braille readers, smart phones and other devices. View the list of supported Internet browsers.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

Whilst all aspects of this website have been carefully designed to comply with international accessibility guidelines. If you have any problems accessing our website or part of it, please contact us

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

Worplesdon Parish Council is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.

Non accessible content

As far as we are aware, our site is compliant with the accessibility regulations.  If you believe that there are sections that are not compliant with the regulations, please let us know and we will investigate your concerns.

Disproportionate burden

Still under review.

Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations

PDFs and other documents

Many of our older PDFs and Word documents do not meet accessibility standards – for example, they may not be structured so they’re accessible to a screen reader. This does not meet WCAG 2.1 success criterion 4.1.2 (name, role value).

Some of our PDFs and Word documents are essential to providing our services. For example, we have PDFs with information on how users can access our services, and forms published as Word documents.

The accessibility regulations do not require us to fix PDFs or other documents published before 23 September 2018 if they’re not essential to providing our services.

Any new PDFs or Word documents we publish will meet accessibility standards from August 2020.

Links to other websites

For the benefit of our users we link to other websites, including social media platforms and official information sources. We can’t guarantee that other organisation’s websites are accessible, they remain the responsibility of the owner.


Documents pre-dating 23 September 2019 will not conform to the accessibility standards.

Most documents on this website are available in PDF format. To view these documents, download Adobe Reader, which is a free PDF viewer.

If you experience any problems accessing documents on this website, please contact us.

Internet accessibility help

The AbilityNet my computer my way guide has helpful advice on changing your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the web more accessible.

More information

For more information on website accessibility, please see:

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).